Wednesday 23 March 2011

Result! (or, A very Swedish haiku)

I got a haiku published in Sydsvenska Dagbladet ( on Friday. You don't get paid, but as encouragement, they send you a scratch-lottery-ticket. And I won 75 kronor! (A hundred thousand would have been good too, but mustn't grumble...). 

vår genom fönstret                                   spring through the window
isvindar i rockärmen                                ice-winds up the coat-sleeve
solskenet bedrar                                      betraying sunshine

The last line is somewhat difficult to translate, as it is a play on words. The Swedish turn-of-phrase "skenet bedrar", literally "the shine betrays", meaning that something is not what it makes out to be. You cannot say the sunshine betrays - hence the wordplay, but neither works particularly well in English, I'm afraid...

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